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The City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation – LADOT Transit (LADOT) has taken measures to make sure your travel with us is as safe and secure as possible. However, passengers also have a responsibility to themselves and others to ensure that everyone has a safe trip. In the interest of promoting a safe and pleasant journey for all those aboard, all passengers must abide by the LADOT Transit Code of Conduct. Any rider violating this code can be prohibited from using LADOT Transit services.

LADOT Transit will not tolerate violence of any form on its services. We are especially committed to the safety of those who provide your service, our Bus Operators. Any physical or verbal behavior that endangers or harms any of our employees or employees of our service providers constitutes a threat and will be prosecuted.

California Penal Codes 241.3/243.3/245.2 call for fines of up to $10,000 and up to five years in jail for assault, battery or assault with a deadly weapon on a transportation worker.

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  1. Disruptive conduct of any nature by a passenger will not be tolerated on LADOT Transit buses. Such conduct will result in the ejection of the disruptive passenger from the bus and possible prosecution under the City of Los Angeles Criminal Code. LADOT Transit and its contractors may deny passage to any person who is exhibiting disruptive or threatening behavior towards the bus, patrons, or operators. 
  2. No passenger shall interfere with the safe operation of any LADOT bus. Riders must comply with the instructions of the bus driver regarding the vehicle’s operation and matters of safety. Riders must remain behind the yellow line at the front of the bus, and stay seated or hold onto a rail or stanchion while the bus is in motion.
  3. Riders are expressly prohibited from defecating, urinating, or vomiting on the bus. A corollary intoxication likely to produce the above, is prohibited. LADOT Transit and its contractors may deny passage to any person who is exhibiting the above behaviors.
  4. Sexual harassment directed at a fellow passenger, LADOT Contractor's or LADOT Transit employee is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, indecent exposure, groping, and any lewd physical or verbal harassment.
  5. Refusing to pay the proper fare is unlawful, and can result in arrest, fines and/ or ejection from the bus.
  6. Riders must respect their fellow passengers. Fighting, vulgar language, harassing other passengers, shouting, spitting, throwing an object, and pushing other passengers are prohibited at all times on LADOT Transit buses.
  7. Passengers must occupy only one seat. Riders cannot lay down or occupy multiple seats.
  8. Strollers, walkers, scooters, and shopping carts are not allowed unless they can be folded or stored in such a way that does not block the aisles and doorways. Skateboards must be stored in such a way that does not block the aisles and doorways.
  9. Scooters must be 55 lbs or less to be brought on board DASH buses. A scooter must be folded and kept under the seat or in front of its owner without blocking the aisles or doorways, or blocking the safety of others.
  10. Motorized bicycles or any bicycle over 55 pounds will not be accommodated on DASH bus bike racks. Non-motorized folding bikes with 20-inch or smaller wheels can be taken on board, but must be folded and stored under a rear seat so as not to block aisles and doorways. Motorized folding bikes or hoverboards are not allowed.
  11. Riders must maintain good personal hygiene to prevent spread of disease.  Any individual whose bodily hygiene or scent is so pungent as to create a danger of biohazard may be denied passage.
  12. Riders must wear appropriate clothing (shirt, pants, shorts, dress, and shoes) at all times while riding. Riders wearing clothing with offensive or obscene pictures or sayings may be asked to cover or remove these articles of clothing or will be required to leave the bus.
  13. Flammable liquids, excessive cleaning chemicals, fireworks, car batteries with acid or lithium ion batteries, are not allowed on any LADOT Transit bus.
  14. Smoking (including e-cigarettes and vaporizers), drinking, and eating on any LADOT Transit bus is prohibited. Consumption of illegal drugs is prohibited in any form. Open containers and alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
  15. Possession of any article defined as a weapon including firearms, knives, sharp objects, or martial arts, and self-defense items are prohibited on all LADOT Transit buses.
  16. Congregating or loitering on a bus near the doorways and aisles or at a bus stop in a way that causes an inconvenience to other passengers or blocks entry and exit to a bus is prohibited.
  17. Videotaping or taking commercial photographs on any LADOT Transit vehicle is prohibited without the prior consent of LADOT Transit.
  18. Conversations between passengers or on cell phones shall be kept at a reasonable volume to not disturb other riders and not distract the bus driver from hearing important audible cues. Using a cell phone's speaker to engage in phone conversation is prohibited.
  19. When utilizing the audio features of smartphones, tablets, and/or other sound generating devices, the earpiece of that device or a headphone/headset shall be used. The volume levels of any device or headphone/headset shall be kept at a level that is not heard by other riders.
  20. Soliciting money or distributing literature on LADOT Transit buses is not allowed at any time.
  21. Seats that are designated as Priority Seating must be made available for disabled and elderly passengers.
  22. Pets and livestock are not allowed on LADOT Transit buses. However, service animals may accompany riders with disabilities. Riders are responsible for keeping service animals off the seats, ensuring the animals remain on the floor without blocking the aisle, and cleaning up after their animals. Service animals can be denied boarding if the animal is out of control or its owner cannot control the animal or if the animal poses a direct hazard to health and safety of the rest of the riders.
  23. Any type of offensive behavior toward a fellow passenger, LADOT Transit employee, or LADOT transit contractor staff, including bus drivers based on that person's sex, race, color, national origin, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, ancestry, age, military status, disability, genetic information, or any other status is prohibited by Federal, state and City of Los Angeles laws. Offenders may be subject to penalties or imprisonment under California Penal Code 243.4.

LADOT Transit reserves the right to modify and amend this Code of Conduct at any time. Please contact the LADOT Transit Customer Service Center at (213, 310, 323 or 818) 808-2273 to report any incident on an LADOT Transit bus or report it online at In case of emergency dial 911.

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Public safety is everyone’s responsibility. If you see something, say something! Do your part to make it a safe trip. Be aware of your surroundings at the bus stop and on the bus, including the location of the nearest exit. Do not touch or move a suspicious package or substance, but do immediately notify the driver of the location of the package or substance. Keep personal belongings in your possession, and don’t accept items from strangers.

Report suspicious behavior to your bus driver first. If you cannot notify your driver, call 911!

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LADOT Transit’s Code of Conduct are enforced through Federal and California State Law and Civil, Government, Penal, Public Utility and Vehicle Codes

  • 49 CFR 37.3 ADA
  • Title II, section 35.104
  • 49 CFR 37.123
  • Civil Code § 54.25
  • Civil Code §§ 54.1-54.2; 28
  • CFR 36.104
  • Penal Code § 640(b)(5)
  • Vehicle Code § 406
  • Penal Code § 640(d)(4)
  • Vehicle Code § 22500(i);
    Vehicle Code § 22523(b)
  • Public Utilities Code § 99170
  • Vehicle Code § 21701
  • Public Utilities Code § 99170(a)(2)
  • Civil Code § 54.1
  • Penal Code §§ 241.3, 243.3, 243.35, 245.2, 640(b)(2) & 640(d)(1)
  • Penal Code § 602.7
  • Penal Code § 640(b)(4)
  • Penal Code § 640(d)(2)
  • Penal Code § 640(d)(3)
  • Penal Code § 640(d)(1)
  • Penal Code §§ 241.3 & 245.2 21
  • Penal Code § 647(a)
  • Penal Code § 647(b)
  • Penal Code §§ 594, 640.5-640.8
  • Penal Code § 374.4
  • Penal Code §§ 243.3 & 243.35
  • Public Utilities Code § 99170(a)(4) 27
  • Penal Code §§ 640(b)(1) & (b)(3)
  • Penal Code § 640(b)(1)
  • B & P Code § 25662; H & S Code §§ 11350-11351, 11357
  • Penal Code § 647(f)
  • Civil Code § 3479
  • Government Code § 7597(a); Penal Code § 640(b)(3)
  • Penal Code § 647(h) 34
  • Penal Code § 647(e)
  • Penal Code §§ 640(b)(2) & (d)(1)
  • Vehicle Code §§ 21203 & 21712
  • Penal Code § 625c
  • Penal Code § 647(c)
  • Penal Code §§ 245.2, 247(b) & 171.7
  • Penal Code § 171.7 41
  • Penal Code § 640(c)
  • Penal Code § 640(c)(3)
  • Penal Code § 640(c)(2)
  • Penal Code § 640(c)(1)
  • Penal Code § 640(e)
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